Inspire Patio Door
Reliable and economical patio door that opens up your home and creates an inviting atmosphere.
Window Styles
Patio Door
Fixed Panel
Vinyl Color
Customize your home by selecting a vinyl color that complements its style and look.
Color Choices



White Interior / Black Laminate Exterior
IntelliGlass Packages
The needs of every home are different and with our specialized glass packages you can find the perfect fit for your home and budget. We offer both dual and triple pane glass options and can meet the EPA’s stringent ENERGY STAR® criteria for any geographic location.
Ideal for north and north central climates |
Glass Panes: 2 |
Low-E Surfaces: 1 |
Airspace Filling: Argon |
Ideal for southern and south central climates |
Glass Panes: 2 |
Low-E Surfaces: 1 |
Airspace Filling: Argon |
Grid Pattern
Available in multiple profile and configurations, grid patterns are designed to further showcase your home’s architectural style. Additional decorative options are available, including simulated divided lites.




Grid Profile
Profiles give the stylistic appearance of individual glass panes and are offered in multiple colors and styles.
Profile Material

Flat (white & tan only) 5/8″

Georgian (color matched, interior/exterior) 3/4″